Afrobeta Bodega Radio/BABALÚ • Max Pela’s Bday Celebration

BABALÚ • Max Pela’s Bday Celebration


Time: June 24, 2023 22:00 ~ Late
Location: Upside Down - Osaka, JP.
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(EN after JP)

BABALÚ featuring Dj Ageishi, Mizmon, Dmitri Absinthe

at UpsideDown – Osaka, JP.
10 PM (22:00) | 1,500¥

Dj Ageishi
Max Pela
Dmitri Absinthe

今月、BABALÚが復活し、創始者でありレジデントDJであるMax Pelaを祝うために集まり、火をつける準備が整いました!BABALÚの創始者でありレジデントDJであるMax Pelaが、太陽の周りを再び回るという、忘れられない体験になるはずです。毎月、私たちと一緒に魅力的な音楽と活気ある精神を分かち合ってくれる彼の揺るぎない献身に、私たちは立ち止まって深い感謝の気持ちを表しましょう。FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!喜ぶべき時です!

今夜は、DJ AGEISHIをBABALÚのステージにお迎えし、センセーショナルなデビューを飾ることができます。彼の旅は、73年に東京・赤坂のMUGENのDJブースに登場したことから始まりました。75年から10年間、赤坂BYBLOSでソウル、ロック、ディスコ(ガレージ・ミュージックなど)を中心にDJを務め、毎晩のように観客を踊らせた。87年、六本木のJAVA JIVEでレゲエ、アフロラテン、スカ、ワールドミュージックのメロディーを巧みにブレンドした独自のDJスタイルが誕生した。’89年、渋谷の画期的なクラブ「CAVE」にレジデントDJとして招かれ、同年、シーンに鮮烈に登場した。’90年代前半には、クラブDJとしての評価を確固たるものとし、レギュラー出演する豪華なパフォーマンスでオーディエンスを魅了した。90年代後半には活動拠点を大阪に移し、PEACE CAFEのサウンドプロデューサーとして、カフェの雰囲気と魂を揺さぶる音楽で魅せるオリジナルミックスCDを数多く手がける。2001年、WORLD(京都)にてレギュラーパーティーをスタートさせ、京都のシーンに大きな波紋を広げる。2007年9月には、ジェットセットレコーズより画期的なミックスCD「BUD:01」を発表し、リスナーの度肝を抜いた。さらに、有線放送やFM局などを通じて、その卓越した選曲力を発揮している。2007年10月、DJデビュー34周年を記念し、モンタージュ(大阪)で34時間に及ぶ壮大なセットを披露し、その場にいたすべての人の心に伝説を刻み込んだ。2011年3月には、Prins ThomasがキュレーションするレーベルInternasjonalからAckin’とのコラボレーションによる12インチ『Rain Parade』をリリース。今年、DJ Ageishiは50歳を迎え、半世紀にわたってDJという芸術を高めてきたという畏敬の念を抱かせる節目の年を迎えました。現在も伝説的な存在として、その道を切り開き続けています。


BABALÚでは、毎月のようにDMITRI ABSINTHEを迎え、ナイトライフ・コミュニティの衝撃的な鼓動を体感することができます。DMITRI ABSINTHEは、ジャズからテクノまで、ジャンルを超えたダイナミックなスタイルでオーディエンスを魅了し、日本のナイトライフ・シーンで尊敬される存在となりました。20年前にテルアビブの活気ある街でDJのキャリアをスタートさせたドミトリは、私たちの愛する会場に豊かな国際経験をもたらしてくれるでしょう。

そして、忘れてはならないのが、マエストロでありレジデントDJであるMAX PELAです。その魅力的な存在は、日本のみならず、世界中のアフロハウス音楽の主要な大使の一人として、確固たる地位を築いています。BABALÚでの特別なイベント、魅惑的なDJパフォーマンス、魅惑的なラジオポッドキャスト、そして有名な制作会社AFROBETA BODEGAによる画期的なライブイベントを通して、アフロ・ルーツ・リズムという魅力的な文化体験を完璧に構築し、そのゆるぎない献身的な姿勢を通して、マックスはその普及を続けています。世界中を飛び回るマックスは、そのユニークなサウンドで観客を魅了し、そのたびに畏敬の念を抱かせます。



さらに、Afrobeta Bodega Radioでまもなく公開される、BABALÚの心臓部からの爽快なライブ録音にご期待ください。魂が揺さぶられるようなリズムに浸ってください。ストリーミングとダウンロードのリンクは近日公開予定ですので、詳細をご確認ください!


BABALÚ featuring Dj Ageishi, Mizmon, Dmitri Absinthe
(Max Pela’s B-Day Celebration)

Sunday, June 24th, 2023
at UpsideDown – Osaka, JP.
10 PM (22:00) | 1,500¥

Dj Ageishi
Max Pela
Dmitri Absinthe

Get ready for an electrifying return as BABALÚ storms back this month, ready to gather and ignite a blazing celebration of our founder and resident DJ, Max Pela! Brace yourself for an unforgettable experience as he embarks on yet another orbit around the sun. Let us pause and express our profound gratitude for his unwavering dedication in sharing his mesmerizing music and vibrant spirit with us month after month. FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS! It’s time to rejoice!

Tonight, we have the immense pleasure of welcoming DJ AGEISHI to the BABALÚ stage for his sensational debut. His journey began back in ’73 when he first graced the DJ booth at MUGEN in Akasaka, Tokyo. For a remarkable decade from ’75, he dominated the decks at Akasaka BYBLOS, spinning soul, rock, and disco tunes (garage music, and more) that had the crowd dancing night after night. ’87 marked the birth of his unique DJ style at JAVA JIVE in Roppongi, where he expertly blended reggae, afro-latin, ska, and the mesmerizing melodies of world music. In ’89, he was invited as a resident DJ at the groundbreaking Shibuya club, CAVE, which emerged onto the scene with a bang in the same year. In the early ’90s, he solidified his reputation as a club DJ, captivating audiences with his regular stellar performances. As the late ’90s arrived, he shifted his base of operations to Osaka and, as the sound producer of PEACE CAFE, he curated numerous original mix CDs with the captivating essence of café ambiance intertwined with soul-stirring music. In 2001, he launched his regular parties at WORLD (Kyoto), igniting a wave of influence across the Kyoto scene. In September 2007, he unveiled his groundbreaking mix CD “BUD:01” through Jet Set Records, leaving listeners in awe. Furthermore, he has demonstrated his exceptional music selection skills through wired broadcasting and FM stations. To commemorate the 34th anniversary of his DJ career in October 2007, he astounded audiences with an epic 34-hour set at Montage (Osaka), etching a legendary performance into the hearts of all those present. In March 2011, he released the “Rain Parade” 12-inch in collaboration with Ackin’ from Internasjonal, a label curated by Prins Thomas. This year marks an awe-inspiring milestone as DJ Ageishi celebrates 50 remarkable years and half a century of elevating the art of DJing. Today, he continues to carve his path as a living legend.

But that’s not all! We are thrilled to welcome back one of our all-time favorite DJs, MIZMON, renowned as one of Japan’s finest female selectors. Mizmon’s DJ journey began after being spellbound by the awe-inspiring performances of Grammy Award-winning artist, Dubfire. Her style seamlessly traverses Techno, Tech House, and Tribal beats, all while passionately embracing the essence of House music. Moreover, she has earned tremendous acclaim as an event organizer, curating unforgettable parties attended by thousands since the tender age of 18. In recent years, she has graced the most illustrious clubs, music festivals, and hotels both in Japan and abroad, leaving a trail of euphoria in her wake.

Experience the electrifying pulse of the nightlife community as we welcome back the incomparable DMITRI ABSINTHE to BABALÚ, month after month, delivering mind-blowing sets that will leave you craving for more. Since his arrival, he has become a revered figure in Japan’s nightlife scene, captivating audiences with his dynamic style that seamlessly spans across genres, from sultry Jazz to heart-pounding Techno. With a DJ career that ignited two decades ago in the vibrant city of Tel Aviv, Dmitri brings a wealth of international experience to our beloved venue.

And let’s not forget our very own maestro and resident DJ, MAX PELA, whose magnetic presence has firmly established him as one of the leading ambassadors of AFRO HOUSE music, not just in Japan, but across the globe. Through his unwavering dedication, Max continues to propagate the rich tapestry of Afro-Rooted Rhythms, an enchanting cultural experience that he flawlessly curates through his extraordinary events at BABALÚ, mesmerizing DJ performances, captivating radio podcasts, and the groundbreaking live events produced by his renowned production company, AFROBETA BODEGA. As he traverses the world, Max spreads his unique sound, leaving audiences in awe at every turn.

We extend our deepest gratitude for being an integral part of our thriving community and implore you to invite your kindred spirits to join our mesmerizing gathering. We don’t seek publicity through mainstream channels or employ mass marketing tactics. Instead, we rely on you, our esteemed patrons, to help curate the vibrant tapestry of individuals who grace our events. This remarkable formula has blessed us with an extraordinary congregation—people united by their shared love for beautiful melodies, funky beats, soulful vibes, diversity, open-mindedness, and an unwavering desire for peace. Together, we are one.

Prepare yourself for an unforgettable experience brimming with pure joy and exhilaration!

Furthermore, stay tuned for the exhilarating LIVE recording from the heart of BABALÚ, soon to be unleashed on Afrobeta Bodega Radio. Get ready to immerse yourself in the pulsating rhythms that will transport your soul. Streaming and download links will be available shortly, so be sure to keep an eye out for more details!

Stay tuned, and let the excitement build!

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